Pennsylvania’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) was established under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) in response to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as a means to help small businesses gain access to capital.
The SSBCI program is administered at the federal level by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, however, at the local level, PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has contracted with economic development partners from across the state to implement and administer the $246.8 million in funding via a variety of loan and equity programs.
EDC Finance Corporation was selected to receive $5.1 million in funding to establish a revolving loan fund for small businesses in Lancaster and Adams Counties, allowing EDC Finance to engage with more local businesses and meet demand for smaller loans that do not typically fit our existing financing programs.
Lancaster County businesses interested in applying for funding through the SSBCI program are invited to fill out the contact form to request more information.
Key Benefits
- Loans will be no more than 50% of total financing.
- The revolving loan funds will be matched by private loans that will create lending and investment opportunities to small businesses that need additional support and resources to expand and create jobs.
Funding Uses & Purposes
- Building construction, expansion or renovation of an eligible place of business (not intended for passive real estate investment purposes)
- Acquisition of machinery/equipment, inventory, or services used in the production, manufacturing or delivery of goods or services
- Soft costs related to above items (i.e. start-up costs, franchise fees)
- Working capital
- Borrowers must be for-profit businesses or farms with less than 500 employees at the time of application.
- A percentage of SSBCI funding is to be allocated to Very Small Businesses (VSB) with fewer than 10 employees and businesses owned/operated by Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Individuals (SEDI) – i.e. woman-, minority-, and veteran-owned businesses.
Loan Structure
- A commercial bank will provide financing for 50% of project costs
- EDC Finance will provide a loan for up to 50% of project costs
- On a project-by-project basis; the borrower will provide a minimum 10% equity injection into the project
- Loan fees and interest rates will vary.